Dr. Mohamed Mahgoub د.محمد محجوب – استشاري جراحة التجميل



Dimple creation is a non-surgical procedure aimed at enhancing facial appearance by making dimples more prominent and attractive. This procedure involves creating dimples by injecting materials that fill the tissue under the skin in the cheek area, helping to enhance and define the appearance of dimples.

The dimple creation process is performed in a cosmetic surgeon’s clinic using tissue-filling materials, such as hyaluronic acid or other substances designed for this purpose. These materials are precisely injected into the deep layer of the skin in the dimple area, helping to lift and naturally define their appearance.

This procedure has several advantages, including the quick execution and minimal recovery period, allowing individuals to quickly return to their daily activities. The results of dimple creation appear immediately and last for a certain period before needing to be redone.

However, some temporary side effects may occur after the dimple creation procedure, such as mild swelling or redness in the injection area, but these effects typically disappear shortly.

Overall, dimple creation is considered a common and safe non-surgical procedure to enhance facial appearance and highlight natural beauty. It can be a suitable option for individuals looking to improve the appearance of dimples quickly and effectively.

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د.محمد محجوب

‎استشاري جراحات التجميل و جراحات نحت الوجه المتطور , دكتوراه جراحة التجميل فى ايطاليا , عضو هيئة التدريس بكلية الطب , طبيب زائر ب فرنسا و بلجيكا , عضو الجمعية المصرية لجراحات التجميل ESPRS.

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